Sunday, July 17, 2011

Imagine the world without Christianity...

What would it be like?

Would the world be even worse than it is...?

Find out in the new book

"The World Without Christianity?"

Has Christianity been good for society ...? 

Or has it been the cause of persecution, wars and even genocide?

There are those that would argue that this religion has not been of benefit to anyone and that it has been a detriment to society.

This book will give you the facts you need to 
answer all the critics of Christianity.

"A totally informative book.  It's a one hour history lesson on the the faith."
                                                                      .....Charles Post 

"Every Christian family in America should read this book."
                                                               .....Veronica Ashley

"Very educational. Every Christian will learn something from this book.  It's a great read."
                                                                       .....Kerry Zisman

Copies of the book can be ordered at this link:

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Order the book digitally for just $4.95 and download the PDF file

A portion of every sale will be donated in God's name to Christian charities.

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